7 web design practices you can’t ignore

7 web design practices you can’t ignore

Digital & Technology

Karan Aggarwal

Karan Aggarwal

337 week ago — 7 min read

Here is a list of factors that are generally missed during web designing and development.


1. Load time optimisation

The human capacity to focus is declining. The attention span and patience of web users is very small. 10 seconds is about the limit for keeping the user’s attention centred around an errand. At the point when guests need to sit tight for your site to load, they will end up baffled and likely leave your site on the off-chance that it doesn't load quick enough for them. Indeed, even the most flawlessly designed loading indicator can drive clients to leave the site if the loading takes too long.


Organisations are at an intense spot. Feature-rich applications are demanded by the visitors, that are usually slow to run. However, they abandon the application when it runs slowly.


“The biggest challenge web designers face today is to manage the trade-off between Feature rich applications and web page load time,” says Saksham Agarwal, CEO at Acropolis Infotech (P) Limited. Even Google takes average page load times as a factor to rank the sites in Google’s search index, so it makes it even more important to optimise a web page for performance.


However, it doesn't generally imply that you need to compromise on the aesthetics so as to minimize the loading time. Practices such as using HTML5 form validation, including lesser classes and stressing on class reusability, can help to lessen the loading time considerably while keeping the End User experience of the website intact.


2. Design is what defines you

Advancements and promotions can eclipse the content that is alongside and make it harder for clients to complete their task. This is not to state that anything that resembles a commercial is typically disregarded by clients.


Selective attention is very powerful. Similar to the manner by which a bottleneck restricts the flow rate of a fluid, selective attention restricts the users to focus on everything present on a webpage. Visitors have learned to stop focusing on any promotions that impede their objective. When they ignore something, they don't pay attention to the details of what was ignored.


This also sometimes leads to ignorance to relevant design components that resemble any sort of advertisement. Somethings that are required to be considered during web designing are; banner blindness which refers to that phenomenon that users to a site deliberately or subliminally overlook banner ad due to shape or position on the page; animation avoidance that makes users ignore areas or content that flashes or flickers, it’s likely to be annoying or distracting for users in general; pop-up purges that relates to premature exit from pop-up windows by the users even before they load.


3. Social media integration

Social media is becoming an essential piece of life online as social websites and applications proliferate. People are spending hours on the internet, sharing more and more on some top social media sites. Make a move to profit from all the social craze!


Provide buttons on your site from where your clients can share items and offers via web-based networking media. It keeps your client upbeat and your items are promoted with no extra endeavours. Social media sharing is a great way to leverage the power of social media to increase awareness of your marketing efforts. Social media and your website should work seamlessly together to promote your online brand.


4. SEO friendly

Online presence is something mandatory for a business to have and it not possible without an SEO strategy that meets the recognises and incorporates needs of your business and customers. To get to the top of the Search Engine Page Results (SERPs), the website shall consider being Optimised. Though social media play a role in increasing traffic to your website, they do not have the calibre that search engines have.


An infinite number of searches are made on Internet every day including your potential customers. You can get going, however just on the off chance that you have a site and active blog. Both will help search engines to identify your page and if you are relevant to the search, you can acquire your way to the top. It is seldom that users go beyond the first page of search results, it makes it furthermore important to be on top which can be done with an SEO friendly website.


5. Functional footers and sitemap

Footers are quite crucial for a webpage. A footer comprising of just the copyright data isn't extremely valuable to your client. Think more towards including contact data, navigation links and sitemap. Try not to squander space at the top and the bottom rather use it to additionally encourage your clients.


By adding a sitemap directory and contact information to your footer, you will help your website to index your website with the search engines. Once you are listed with the web indexes, you can get a colossal measure of web traffic to your website. Thus enhancing the rankings of your website and making it a huge success.


6. Using Colour Codes for Visited and Unvisited Links

The visitor shall be in a position to differentiate between the visited and unvisited links. For a user to exhibit more navigational orientation in accessing a web page, visited links shall change colour. A knowledge of past navigation makes it convenient to make the next click.


Links are a key factor in this navigation process. Visitors can ignore links that were found pointless to their objective in their earlier visits. On the other hand, they may return to links they discovered fruitful previously. Most Important, knowing which pages they've just gone to liberates clients from inadvertently returning to similar pages again and again.


7. Aesthetics Vs Usability

It is the that will be visiting your sites matters, Thus, user experience shall be given a deeper thought. The design of a site and UI are never ought to meddle with the client's ability to access the content on the screen. It's essential to abstain from having cluttered backgrounds behind the content, inappropriate colour schemes that hinder the site’s readability or insufficient colour contrast. Although user experience is crucial, it not recommended to compromise on a strong and critical element of a brand’s digital presence.



To conclude, I would like to say that some issues can be left unattended at your end but the real mistake will be when it will not be learning.


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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker.  


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Karan Aggarwal

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